“Adverse Selection and Endogenous Information”
by Thereze (FTG Bridging Theory and Empirical Research in Finance Conference 2024)

“The Credit Supply Channel of Monetary Policy Tightening and its Distributional Implications”
by Bosshardt, Di Maggio, Kekhbod, and Kermani (MFA Anual Meeting 2024)

“Collateral Value Uncertainty and Mortgage Credit Provision”
by Jiang and Zhang (Philadelphia Fed Mortgage Market Research Conference 2022)

“Managing a Housing Boom”
by Allen and Greenwald (AEA Annual Meeting 2022)

“What Triggers Mortgage Default? New Evidence from Linked Administrative and Survey Data”
by Low (AEA Annual Meeting 2022)

“Does CFPB Oversight Crimp Credit?”
by Fuster, Plosser, and Vickery (WFA Annual Meeting 2021)

“Job Growth from Opportunity Zones"
by Arefeva, Davis, Ghent, and Park (AEA Annual Meeting 2021)

“Mortgage Amortization and Wealth Accumulation"
by Bernstein and Koudijs (NBER Summer Institute — Corporate Finance 2020)

“Concentration in Mortgage Markets: GSE Exposure and Risk-Taking in Uncertain Times"
by Elul, Gupta, and Musto (AFA Annual Meeting 2020)

“The Anatomy of the Transmission of Macroprudential Policies”
by Acharya, Bergant, Crosignani, Eisert, and McCann (WashU Corporate Finance Conference 2019)

“Stock Market Wealth and the Real Economy: A Local Labor Market Approach”
by Chodorow-Reich, Nenov, and Simsek (NBER Summer Institute — Monetary Economics 2019)

“Consumer-Lending Discrimination in the FinTech Era”
by Bartlett, Morse, Stanton and Wallace (NBER Summer Institute — Real Estate 2019)

"Macroprudential Policy and Household Leverage: Evidence from Administrative Household-Level Data"
by Van Bekkum, Gabarro, Irani, and Peydró (FIRS Conference 2019)

“Financial Fragility with SAM?”
by Greenwald, Landvoigt, and Van Nieuwerburgh (Columbia University New Topics in Banking Conference 2019)

"Mortgage Market Design: Lessons from the Great Recession"
by Piskorski and Seru (Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2018)

"TechFin in China: Credit Market Completion and its Growth Effect"
by Hau, Huang, Shan, and Sheng (NBER Corporate Finance 2018) — e-mail for slides

"Relational Contracts, Reputational Concerns, and Appraiser Behavior: Evidence from the Housing Market"
by Agarwal, Song, and Yao (AEA Annual Meeting 2018)

"‘Trading’ Political Favors: Evidence from the Impact of the STOCK Act"
by Huang and Xuan (AFA Annual Meeting 2018)

"Credit Constraints and Search Frictions in Consumer Credit Markets"
by Argyle, Nadauld, and Palmer (WFA Annual Meeting 2017)

"Social Networks and Housing Markets"
by Bailey, Cao, Kuchler and Stroebel (AEA Annual Meeting 2017)

"Aggregate Effects of Collateral Constraints"
by Catherine, Chaney, Huang, Sraer, and Thesmar (AEA Annual Meeting 2017)

"Ditching the Middle Class with Consumer Protection Regulation"
by D'Acunto and Rossi (Duke/UNC Corporate Finance Conference 2017)

"The Collateral Value of Housing: Evidence from Servicemember Pension Choice"
by Bennet, Gopalan, and Maurer (Midwest Finance Association Conference 2017)

"Rent or Buy? The Role of Lifetime Experiences of Macroeconomic Shocks within and across Countries"
by Malmendier and Steiny (LBS/CEPR/Imperial College European Workshop on Household Finance 2016)

"Affordability, Financial Innovation, and the Start of the Housing Boom"
by Dokko, Keys, and Relihan (WFA Summer Real Estate Symposium 2016)

"Stimulating Housing Markets"
by Berger, Turner, and Zwick (Yale SOM Junior Finance Conference 2016)

"Adverse Selection on Maturity: Evidence from On-Line Consumer Credit"
by Hertzberg, Liberman, and Paravisini (FRB PHILA Consumer Behavior in Credit and Payments Markets 2015)

"The Effect of Credit Availability on House Prices: Evidence from the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008"
by Kung (Urban Economics Association Annual Meeting 2014)